
An Auto-Scaling group spans 3 AZs and currently has 4 running EC2 instances. When Auto Scaling needs to terminate an EC2 instance by default, AutoScaling will: Choose 2 answers

An Auto-Scaling group spans 3 AZs and currently has 4 running EC2 instances. When Auto Scaling needs to terminate an EC2 instance by default, AutoScaling will: Choose 2 answers
A . Allow at least five minutes for Windows/Linux shutdown scripts to complete, before terminating the instance.
B . Terminate the instance with the least active network connections. If multiple instances meet this criterion, one will be randomly selected.
C . Send an SNS notification, if configured to do so.
D . Terminate an instance in the AZ which currently has 2 running EC2 instances.
E . Randomly select one of the 3 AZs, and then terminate an instance in that A

Answer: C, E

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