
After manually editing; a regular expression (regex), which of the following statements is true?

After manually editing; a regular expression (regex), which of the following statements is true?
A . Changes made manually can be reverted in the Field Extractor (FX) UI.
B . It is no longer possible to edit the field extraction in the Field Extractor (FX) UI.
C . It is not possible to manually edit a regular expression (regex) that was created using the Field Extractor (FX) UI.
D . The Field Extractor (FX) UI keeps its own version of the field extraction in addition to the one that was manually edited.

Answer: B


After manually editing a regular expression (regex) that was created using the Field Extractor (FX) UI, it is no longer possible to edit the field extraction in the FX UI. The FX UI is a tool that helps you extract fields from your data using delimiters or regular expressions. The FX UI can generate a regex for you based on your selection of sample values or you can enter your own regex in the FX UI. However, if you edit the regex manually in the props.conf file, the FX UI will not be able to recognize the changes and will not let you edit the field extraction in the FX UI anymore. You will have to use the props.conf file to make any further changes to the field extraction. Changes made manually cannot be reverted in the FX UI, as the FX UI does not keep track of the changes made in the props.conf file. It is possible to manually edit a regex that was created using the FX UI, as long as you do it in the props.conf file.

Therefore, only statement B is true about manually editing a regex.

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