What are the coordinates of point B?

In the graph above, ABCD is a square. What are the coordinates of point B?A . (C1, C4)B . (C1, 4)C . (C1, 6)D . (C3, 1)E . (C3, 4)View AnswerAnswer: B Explanation: Point B is the same distance from the y-axis as point A, so the x-coordinate of point...

July 31, 2020 No Comments READ MORE +

If 0.34 < x < 0.40 and 5/16 < x < 9/20, which of the following could be x?

If 0.34 < x < 0.40 and 5/16 < x < 9/20, which of the following could be x?A . 1/3B . 2/5C . 3/8D . 3/7E . 4/9View AnswerAnswer: C Explanation: 5/16 = 0.3125 and 9/20 = 0.45; 3/8 = 0.375 which is between 0.34 and 0.40, and between...

July 31, 2020 No Comments READ MORE +

If 250 videos were rented that night, how many more action movies were rented than horror movies?

The pie chart above shows the distribution of video rentals from Al’s Video Vault for a single night. If 250 videos were rented that night, how many more action movies were rented than horror movies?A . 10B . 20C . 22D . 25E . 30View AnswerAnswer: D Explanation: 22% of...

July 30, 2020 No Comments READ MORE +

If there are 24 2 total flowers in her garden, how many of them are tulips?

Lindsay grows only roses and tulips in her garden. The ratio of roses to tulips in her garden is 5:6. If there are 24 2 total flowers in her garden, how many of them are tulips?A . 22B . 40C . 110D . 121E . 132View AnswerAnswer: E Explanation: The...

July 30, 2020 No Comments READ MORE +

Which of the following number pairs is in the ratio 4:5?

Which of the following number pairs is in the ratio 4:5?A . 1/4, 1/5B . 1/5, 1/4C . 1/5, 4/5D . 4/5, 5/4E . 1, 4/5View AnswerAnswer: B Explanation: Two numbers are in the ratio 4:5 if the second number is 5/4 times the value of the first number; 1/4...

July 30, 2020 No Comments READ MORE +

What is the length of the room?

FILL BLANK The length of a room is three more than twice the width of the room. The perimeter of the room is 66 feet. What is the length of the room?View AnswerAnswer: 23 Explanation: If x is the width of the room, then 3 + 2x is the length...

July 30, 2020 No Comments READ MORE +

A music store offers customized guitars. A buyer has four choices for the neck of the guitar, two choices for the body of the guitar, and six choices for the color of the guitar.

A music store offers customized guitars. A buyer has four choices for the neck of the guitar, two choices for the body of the guitar, and six choices for the color of the guitar. The music store offers:A . 1 2 different guitars.B . 16 different guitars.C . 24 different...

July 29, 2020 No Comments READ MORE +

If anda and c are doubled, what happens to the value of d ?

If anda and c are doubled, what happens to the value of d ?A . The value of d remains the same.B . The value of d is doubled.C . The value of d is four times greater.D . The value of d is halved.E . The value of d...

July 29, 2020 No Comments READ MORE +

What is the area of the shaded region?

In the diagram above, the length of a side of square ABCD is four units. What is the area of the shaded region?A . 4B . 4 C πC . 4 C 4πD . 16πE . 16 C 4πView AnswerAnswer: B Explanation: The area of a square is equal to...

July 29, 2020 No Comments READ MORE +

If m = 6, then the expression is equal

If m = 6, then the expression is equal to:A . C12.B . C2.C . 6.D . 12.E . 22.View AnswerAnswer: B Explanation: Substitute 6 for m:

July 28, 2020 No Comments READ MORE +